Any thoughts of changing your job or career? Your CV is one of the most important documents you hand over to your potential new boss. Make sure to make a perfect first impression.
Håkon Hildre is CEO of Adima and has worked as a staffing specialist for over 25 years. We asked him to create a top-list of common mistakes to avoid when applying for a job.
Do not reuse an old CV
You should update your CV every six months.
Do not disclose your child's name
You are free to write the number of child you have, and they’re age. But your future boss are probably not that interested in what you named them.
Avoid using clichés
Do not write clichés like “I work just as well aloe as part of a team”. Instead use examples where you actually have worked alone or in a team.
Avoid spelling errors
Read thoroughly through your CV for spelling errors. You want to make a good impression. Typos are an immediate turn-off.
Do not lie
Stick to the truth. Then you avoid getting fired if your shady little lie surface some day.
Do not use the party- and holiday photos
Feel free to use an image in your resume, but do not choose one where you stand in the bikini or the club.
Do not forget social media
Do a proper “Clean-up” in your social media profiles – delete inappropriate photos and quotes.
Do not create a 5 minute CV
A proper CV will take between two and 22 hours to create. Be sure you put a litte extra effort into it.
Do not be arrogant
Had an important position in the past with a cool title? Drop your arrogance – explain what was your responsibility and common tasks that came with the job.
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